Eagle Synergistic

Eagle Synergistic Optimizing Technologies utilizes cutting edge subsurface imaging technologies to help speed up investigations for contaminated soil and groundwater. Owner Janet Castle had previously worked in the energy sector, in petrophysics and subsurface data logging. However,  she realized she could do more to help the environment  with this same  technology by starting her own company in the remediation industry. With her dynamic team of hard-working environmental scientists, they use an efficient process that harnesses real time subsurface imaging data. In turn, contaminated sites can be cleaned up in a couple of years, rather than decades; this can mean a world of difference in ensuring fewer people are affected by diseases related to contamination in their homes, offices, and drinking water.

With rapid new growth and projects across the country, Eagle Synergistic utilized a Direct loan through B:Side Fund to help cover the costs of securing equipment, supplies, and travel in 2021. Read on to learn more about this amazing small business…


What inspired you to start your business? How did you come up with the idea?

I have always been concerned with the health effects of contaminated soil and groundwater. Due to experience in the Oil and Gas industry, I was able to understand how to utilize similar tools and technologies in the environmental industry. Eagle Synergistic is helping reduce health risks by assisting the environmental consults to have a clearer picture of their contaminated sites.

What is your background? 

I was a geologist/petrophysicist for several years. I have helped several companies become more efficient, increase revenue, and be more profitable. I also worked for a company that struggled with large-scale management and ethical issues. Thus, these experiences all came together to inspire and help me start and grow my business efficiently.

What have been some of the most rewarding parts of owning your business?

The most rewarding parts are being able to help clean up contaminated sites, help decrease negative health risks, and help make taxpayer dollars, for states or federal sites, much more efficient in their remediation methods.

What have been some challenges?

I am the only WOSB (woman-owned small business certification) in this sector. It has given us a few extra challenges, but we have been able to overcome them all by working diligently and more strategically than others.

What was it like working with B:Side on your loan?

It was one of the best experiences I have had with a professional lending partner. Marie Peters was not only professional, but extremely caring. She made the process absolutely seamless.