Are you an entrepreneur or small business owner in rural New Mexico?

B:Side Fund and Rocky Mountain MicroFinance Institute (RMMFI) have partnered to bring a capital-meets-capacity approach to supporting underserved and low-income entrepreneurs in rural New Mexico as part of a USDA grant. RMMFI will deliver their proven educational programming, while B:Side Fund will continue to provide inclusive access to capital. The rural New Mexico programming will kick off with two Business Idea Labs Fall 2024, followed by a Business Launch Boot Camp in early 2025.


Every entrepreneur’s journey starts with an idea. Whether you’ve been in business and haven’t seen the results you wanted or have multiple ideas and can’t decide which to pursue, the Idea Phase of RMMFI’s programming can help you build the foundations needed for success.


The Launch Phase begins with Business Launch Boot Camp, a 12-week intensive program serving 10-12 committed entrepreneurs per cohort. Simple and proven curriculum that shows you how to build an actionable plan to launch your business.


Business Idea Lab Coach: The Business Idea Lab is a short 4-week program designed to help aspiring entrepreneurs explore their vision, plan and refine their idea, and learn foundational principles. Idea Lab coaches guide group facilitation and exploration during the class sessions.

Time commitment: 2 hours/week for 3 weeks

Business Launch Boot Camp Mentor: Boot Camp Mentors support entrepreneurs through RMMFI’s 12-week Launch program by providing real-world business knowledge and expertise (business coaches), financial understanding (financial coaches), and support to stay on track (accountability coaches).

Time commitment: 1 hours/week for 12 weeks

Launch Committee Member: The Launch Committee takes place at the end of every Business Launch Boot Camp and helps inform the entrepreneurs' action plans for the launch of their businesses. Through a question and answer format, committee members help identify any gaps or areas that need more definition, which in turn informs the ongoing support the entrepreneurs will receive.

Time commitment: 3 hours

Workshop Provider: Workshop providers share their expertise by helping design, lead, and facilitate workshops for current participants and graduates of our Business Launch Boot Camp. Workshops take place throughout the year and can be provided on a 1-time or ongoing basis.

Time commitment: 1-2 hours plus prep time

Organizational Volunteer: Organizational volunteers provide additional capacity and expertise to RMMFI as we navigate opportunities to strengthen our organization and the programs we run.

Time commitment varies depending on the project. Volunteers do not need to be located in New Mexico.

If you are interested in volunteering for the program, complete the volunteer interest form.

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